
Thursday, September 25, 2014

FIT Malaysia 2014

   On 20th September 2014, I attend a sport festival that organized by FIT Malaysia. This event held on Taman Awam Teluk Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. I join the race, and many activities here.

 (But first, sorry baby, you have wait here)

     The first activity is RUN. Upon registering, you can decide to take a 5 KM run or 10 KM. I chose 5 KM. Hahaha. Maybe if I can use my superbike, I gonna take that 10 KM. Before they let us go, we have 15 minutes of warming up. That's include express zumba. 
(Registering and the moment before they let us RUN)

      Sorry there is no photo during the run. I was too busy running that moment. But too bad there is no winner for those who comes first. There only have Lucky Draw.
      But the activities doesn't stop there. We continue with some others activity for the whole day. Some of it could be the first time you ever see.

  1. SILAT
         Here we go. Open air Silat Class. Its good and free. Everyone can join the basic of Silat. Beside Silat there also have Muay Thai Class, But too bad I don't have the picture.

  2. Parkour
          This event organized by Kota Kinabalu Parkour. The also perform some stunts that attract a lot of visitors around the festival. They also have class for public, at Likas Stadium, every Friday, 7-9pm.

  3. DJ and Dance

    (Dance, BABY! Dance! Dance! Dance!)

  4. Others Activities

(The Bike Shop) 

(Fitness, A competition occur where, where you will need to push up and squads. Winner gets RM500)

(Zumba Dance. Open and have most people follow them dancing)

(Ministry Of Health. Where I currently working here. Its good to see workmate work hard just to make sure Malaysian people aware of their healthy at all time) 

    The event is started on 7.00 am and finish at 4.00 pm. But I stayed there until 12.00 only. Too tired running for 5 KM. But the good news is I got free pass to attend a Parkour Class by next Friday. So, see you next ride.

See you next ride...

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